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Jumat, 29 April 2011

Trik and Tips kriss dual gak abis-abis...
1.Kalian pegang senjata kriss.
2.sehabis ntu habiskan dual anda sampe 0.
3.pencet piso lalu senjata lagi,hanya 1 kali saja.
4.coba lihat pasti dualnya g abis2,di komputer kita emang kelihatan satu senjata tapi kamu lihat di komputer temen kamu pasti char kamu pake DUAL, dah kalian buat room aja ber2.
5.selesai dah tinggal tembak aja terus sampe peluru habis..oh ya sehabis pencet piso sama senjata hanya 1 kali saja kalau berkali2 ntar trik dualnya ilang..

``daH ntu aja Tips GW semoga bermanfaat untuk Agan-Agan``

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Mengganti Cursor Mouse di blogger.com

Caranya adalah :
1. Login ke blogger anda

2. Pilih menu tata letak, kemudian edit html

3. Kemudian klik Expand Template Widget

4. Tekan ctrl+F pada browser, cari baris body {
5. Perhatikan CSS dari body, ini adalah contoh CSS body punya saya, isinya setiap template akan berbeda-beda
body {
font:80% Arial, Sans-serif;
text-align: center;

6. Tambahkan baris

cursor: url("http://baykun.byethost15.com/cursorbiru.ico"),default;
Jika ingin cursor biru

cursor: url("http://baykun.byethost15.com/cursorkuning.ico"),default;
Jika ingin cursor kuning

cursor: url("http://baykun.byethost15.com/cursorpanah.ico"),default;
Jika ingin cursor panah

cursor: url("http://baykun.byethost15.com/cursorpensil.ico"),default;
Jika ingin cursor pensil

Pastikan menambahkan barisnya sebelum tanda } pada bagian body {  }

7. Simpan templatenya

8. Contoh hasilnya ada pada blog saya

Jumat, 22 April 2011

[Share] Cara Membuat Cheat Point Blank [Injector+File dll+Video]

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011
tutorial berikut termasuk :
- searching pointer
- searching offset
- build/compile "dll"
- dan lain sebagainya ^_^

berikut fitur yang terdapat dalam saptabase adalah :
- hack name
- hack rank/grade
- hack point
- hack cash
- hack character
- hack title
- hack room
- hack room mode
- hack spion mode
- hack card mosion
- auto minimize
- bomberman
- ... tambahkan kreasi mu

oke langsung saja kita mulai

* yang harus disiapkan *
- cheat engine 5.6.1
- dev c ++
- calculator hex (bisa menggunakan calculator windows)
- saptabase (sc)
- dan lain sebagai nya ^_^

silahkan download saptabase nya disini :
sapta_agung base

silahkan download tutor video nya disini :

selamat berkreasi masing- masing
bikin yang keren ya ..

create : Sapta_Agung
Yang belom tw cara buat dll.
Nie w kasi videonya
Thanks for nstars
Credits by nstars


mediafire.com 4krwv7ejp2u4r4d

Kalo Mau SOFTWARE dll Nya
1. Dev C++ [Link Download]

2. RCD Base 2.0 [Link Download]
3. Calculator Hex [Link Download]

4. SaptaBASE [Link Download]
Kalo Tau Cara Membuat Injector Klik Di Bawah Ini

Kalo Mau Download SOFTWARE Visual Basic Di Bawah ini
Untuk Menghargai Posting Saya
 Yaitu Dengan FOLLOW Blog Me

Gratisan Musik

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Hack AuIndo v.6065

Untuk Pasword ->Steven eka

Cara Memecahkan Nya Cari Di Google

Cheat Ayodance Mei 2011 (v.6065)

Posted by Bhoo On Senin, 18 April 2011 0 komentar
Fitur : Hack PF On. Cheat ini berlaku untuk semua patch

Autorun Virus Remover v3.1 Build 0422 Full + Keygen

Autorun Virus Remover v3.1 Build 0422 Full + Keygen

Autorun Virus Remover 3.1 Build 0422 Full + Keygen | 2 Mb

Autorun Virus Remover can detect and clean hundreds of usb/autorun viruses and it will block viruses and trojans trying to attack when USB device is inserted. Autorun Virus Remover provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB storage(USB drive?USB stick?pen drive?flash drive?flash card?secure digital card?removable storage?portable storage?ipod?media player). Compare Autorun Virus Remover with other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: Autorun Virus Remover provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover can detect and clean the usb virus/worm/trojan such as Ravmon,auto.exe in your computer or usb drive,it could solve the problem that unable to open a drive by double clicking. It also removes the leftovers of virus by removing the autorun.inf files and cleaning up your system registry, so you won't see the autoplay item anymore.

100% protection against any malicious programs via USB storage
Autorun Virus Remover uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover is the world's best software to block threats via USB drive.

The best solution to protect offline computer
Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Every minute one waits for a virus signature update creates a window of vulnerability that could have devastating consequences. Autorun Virus Remover uses advanced proactive detection techniques, requires no signature updates, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.

The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software

With Autorun Virus Remover, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare antivirus software and you'll discover that Autorun Virus Remover is by far one of the smallest applications in the industry. For example, the Autorun Virus Remover installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 1 to 7 MB of RAM.

100% compatible with all software

Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, Autorun Virus Remover is 100% compatible with all software, including Windows Vista.

Simple to use
Autorun Virus Remover has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user’s level of computer expertise. Just install and forget it.

Cheat NinjaSagaX [PNS] Atm Exp 22 April 2011

Atm Exp

Released : 22 April 2011
Tools :
[*] Fiddler2
[*] .Swf files

Same as the other cheat that requires fiddler2
Just go To Headquarter

Senin, 18 April 2011

N3 Quick Hack |17 April 2011|


Cara Penggunaan :
Jalankan PBQuickFullHack HWID Generator Terlebih dahulu Kemudian Baru jalankan PBQuickFullHack, Ingat yang terpenting adalah PBQuickFullHack.Jika PBQuickFullHack Loader(2)tidak jalan ganti yang pertama. Jika terhapus oleh AV,matikan dulu AVnya baru anda bisa bercheat ria.wkwkwkwk...

[*] Anak-Anak N3

[*] SC™ yOvi3
[*] FZR
[*] Blink2
[*] HRD
[*] UnHollyCupid
[*] chandrahalim29
[*] RavenN3™
[*] SennaN3™
[*] N2nyit-US
[*] USnet-Org
[*] All Member N2nyit-US
[*] All Member USnet-Org

[*] F1 = Char Hack and Beret Champion
[*] F2 = Char Hack and Beret SG
[*] F3 = Char Hack and Beret Assault
[*] F4 = Char Hack and Beret AWP
[*] F5 = Char Hack and Beret SMG
[*] F6 = Char Hack and Beret Secondary
[*] F12 = Spion Hack
[*] INSERT = WallHack No FogWall

Hack Wire Frame
WallHack Charmsoir
[*] Numpad 1 = Helm +++
[*] Numpad 2 = Helm ++
[*] Numpad 3 = Pasang/Defuse Bomb 2 detik(WOW)
[*] Numpad 4 = No Respawn
[*] DELETE = Reset Char Hack and Beret
Untuk menghargai hasil karya saya mohon klik tanda follow
sebagai tanda ucapan terima ka

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

WH Active : Numpad 1
WH Off Win Xp SP2 : Numpad 2
WH Off Win XP SP : 3 Numpad 3
Recoil + 1 Hit Dual : F2
1 HIT SG : Otomatis On
1 HIT Smoke : F1 ( Harus Jadi RM, Dan aktifkan kalau bom sudah jatuh ditanah )
Move Speed Dual Kriss On/Off : Panah Atas
Exit Game : F12
Char On : Home
Char Off & Spion : END
Minimize : Alt

How to Use:
1. After PB Stop, Click VIP
2. Then Char
3. Resume PB


[-]For Spion Hack use F4 on ROOM

Buy Misi 5000.Then go to Lobby and Log out
LOG IN back and push CTRL+1-CTRL+9

HOW TO USE No respawn :
[-]Join Room
[-]Click Home
[-]Then Play
[-]Try to kill Yourself

If NOT RM = Effect 70%
If RM = Effect 100%

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cheat Point Blank minimize 17 april 2011

Released : 17 April 2011
Features :

Hotkeys :
* Minimize On [F1]
* Minimize Off [F12]

Spoiler for : Click For Download...DOWNLOAD

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Selasa, 12 April 2011

TNT_VIP Hack Release Publick 11 April 2011

                                                    Click Here

Creator :
Special thx to :
My Suhu, ho LOndo, Farid, Rizky Nanda Parely (RNP).
Fitur & Hotkey :

[-]1 hit kriss Point dan Cash     : Insert
[-]1 Hit WP SMoke                 : Insert
[-]Defuse Bom  cepat /0detik      : Delete
[-]Psang Bomb cepat /0detik      : Delete
[-]Respawn All room cepat /0detik : Delete

Cara Pakai :
[-]Buka PB Launcher
[-]Buka  F2F_VIP Hack Release Publick 11 April 2011
[-]Start Pb Nya
[-]TEMUKAN INJECT nya sendiri [Clue : mata Viper]

Cara penggunaan nya....:
-Tekan Insert dan Delete saat di Lobby ataupun di dalam room....
-untuk WP smoke Buang bom nya lalu tekan insert....

Minggu, 10 April 2011

New Rpe No Detect N No Bug Trap

GW mo share RPE editan ane, ni RPE bisa dipake GB ampe 10-20 macth (GB exp) dan ga BT, coba dan rasakan nikmatnya GB exp dengan RPE ini gan....hehe

langsung aja klo mau download DISINI

credit by :
-Empunya pencipta RPE
-pencipta komputer

NB: semua tergantung koneksi (Ping) klo ping hijau ente bakal lancar jaya GBnya, jgn lupa perhatikan pengaturan times/millisecondnya

wh+1hit 10_04_2011

MY LINK>>>>http://www.ziddu.com/download/14541900/zerwinV.11.rar.html

Fitur Cheat:
[*]-> HeadGear Deff(+++)
[*]-> Baret Championship (Reload Animation ALL Weapon)
[*]-> Char Hack Janda (Red & Blue)
[*]-> Wallhack (Tembus pandang)
[*]-> Moving Speed Dual Kriss (SV/SVD)
[*]-> Minimize (Alt-Tab)
[*]-> Peluru (ALL Weapon)
[*]-> Damage 1 Hit SG Standar & Spass (Point/Cash)
[*]-> Damage Dual Kriss (SV/SVD)
[*]-> NO Repawn
[*]-> Pasang BOM 0 Detik
[*]-> NO Recoil ALL Weapon
[*]-> Defuse 0 Detik
[*]-> WP Smoke 1 Hit
[*]-> Spion Mode
[*]-> Auto Exit PB

Hotkey Cheat :
["]-> Numpad 1 = Wallhack : [ON]
["]-> Numpad 2 = Wallhack : [OFF] (untuk SP2)
["]-> Numpad 3 = WALLHACK : [OFF] (untuk SP3)
["]-> Tanda/anak panah atas = Moving Speed Dual Kriss : [ON]
["]-> Tanda/anak panah bawah = Moving Speed Dual Kriss : [OFF]
["]-> Minimize = Alt (Jika ingin kembali ke PB nya lagi cukup tekan Alt nya kembali) : [ON]/[OFF]
["]-> F1 = WP Smoke 1 Hit (Harus jadi RM & aktifkan saat lempat jatuh kebawah tanah) : [ON]/[OFF]
["]-> Tahan anak panah <- + anak panah -> (Tekan bersamaan saat setelah mau habis peluru)
["]-> F2 = 1 Hit Dual Kriss (SV/SVD) + NO Recoil ALL Weapon
["]-> F5 = HeadGear Deff(+++) + Baret Championship + Char Hack
["]-> EXIT GAME PB :F12

Cara pemakaian Cheat :
[-]-> Buka zerwin Injector v 10 nya, nanti disitu
[-]-> Lalu Start PB nya, nanti disitu zerwin Injector  nya akan bergetar
[-]-> Ketika sudah berhenti bergetar klik tulisan (cheat 1 hit) pada zerwin Injector  nya
[-]-> Lalu klik tulisan (Lanjut PB ) pada zerwin Injector  nya

Cara penggunaan Cheat :
[']-> Tekan Hotkey saat berada di Room atau sebelum Play

1. Hack Avatar Golden Crown
2. Hack Face GameMaster DJ Faye
3. Hack Face Mask GameMaster
4. Hack Avatar Butom & TOP
5. Hack GameMaster Sign

Download Here !!!

Senin, 04 April 2011

F2F_Special Release Public 02042011

Posted by Andrie Danang Kurniawan 7:18 PM, under

Download :

F2F_Special Release Public 02042011

Created  :


thanks To :

[-]All member F2F

Fitur :

F12    : 1 hit Kriss
F11    : ???? [Salah Cara Pakai Bisa BT dan DC]
Insert : ????

Cara pakai Cheat 1 Hit kriss :

[-]Masuk Room
[-]Tekan F12
[-]Coba Buka Dual kriss Loe...
[-]Tembakan ke Musuh...
chain killer ,, chain , ,chain killer...

tested By me In Window Xp2 kriss Point Work selama 3 jam lebih

Sumber : http://faceinteraction.forumid.net

F2F_Special Buat OP Warnet + Buat yang Suka GB Exp Pakai RPE

Posted by Andrie Danang Kurniawan 10:03 AM, under | 17 comments

Download : 
Click here 
 File sudah di perbaiki
Cara pemakaian...
[-]Download Cheatnya Dari pekalongan Cheater
[-]Jnagan Extract Dulu
[-]Pindahkan ke Flahsdisk
[-]Ectract Cheat nya di dalam flahsdisk
[-]Buka PB Launcher
[-]Buka Folder F2F Special Op Warnet lalu buka Cheat nya
[-]Start Pb nya
[-]Tekan Hack Minimizer
[-]Lepas/Cabut Flashdisk Kamu
[-]Baru resume

Bisa menggunakan Lockbox......
Hotkey : ALT

Created : 
Group Ngopi Bareng